C&I Charity grants

The C&I Charity charitable fund assists and supports the mental health, wellbeing and recovery of Trust service users within the wider local communities of Camden, Islington and Kingston by providing additional support and resources not normally available through health and social care funding.
We are delighted to announce that we are in a position to accept applications for grants from the charity. Is there something you would like to provide in your area? Is there something you would like to provide in your area that would benefit your service users?
Who can apply for a grant?
Anyone can put forward an idea for a grant including service users, carers, staff, managers and researchers.
Idea sponsor
As ideas can be generated from anyone, it is important that before the application process begins, a sponsor is identified within the Trust, the idea, consequences, benefits, and risks are discussed with them, and they agree to actively support the application. In terms of who can act as a sponsor, this should be a person responsible for managing the impact of the grants award.
Full application guidance and grant criteria can be found in the Grant-Application-Process-for-the-CI-Charity .pdf 220KB. Here you can download the Grant Application Form for C&I Charity.docx [docx] 54KB.