The festive period can be a tough time for lots of people. If you're finding things challenging, here are some tips and resources to help you cope. The festive period can be especially difficult for those without loved ones or those who don’t feel in the festive spirit. It’s important to remind yourself that it’s okay to feel this way, many others do too.
Take care of yourself:
Acknowledge that it’s a temporary period. Identifying a ‘start’ and ‘end’ to the season might make it easier to manage.
It’s perfectly valid to not feel ‘jolly.’ Be kind to yourself and recognise that your feelings are normal.
Reach out to others:
Share your feelings with people you trust. Talking about your struggles can help ease the burden.
Be clear about what you’re comfortable with during the holidays. Let others know what you’d like to be involved in, or what you’d prefer to avoid.
Access support services:
If you are known to our services, please continue to contact your service in the ways you have been doing so previously during working hours. You can find our services contact details on our website here. If you are not sure what service, you are under please call our switchboard on 020 8702 3000 for services in Barnet, Enfield and Haringey and 020 3317 7500 for services in Camden and Islington.
For those who wish to contact a mental health professional outside of working hours—or who are not previously known to services—please contact 111 and select Option 2.
In emergencies, where there is immediate risk to life or safety, always call 999
Be there for others:
If someone around you is struggling, offer them your support. Simply listening and being present can make a huge difference.
Other support available:
• Call Samaritans – 116 123
• Text SHOUT to 85258
• Mind’s list of useful contacts over the festive period