Barnet team visits Brent Cross | News

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Barnet team visits Brent Cross

On the 5 July our Barnet Community Core teams along with our voluntary sector colleagues went to Brent Cross Shopping Centre to showcase what is available around the borough.

Voluntary sector colleagues included:

  • CommUNITY Barnet: An award-winning, multi-borough national charity based in London with a national reputation. CommUNITY Barnet deliver health and wellbeing services to the community and have been supporting and building capacity to voluntary and community groups, charities and faith groups across the borough. They aim to build stronger connections between residents and communities, responding to societal changes, and support inclusivity and diversity.
  • Barnet Well-being Service: The Barnet Well-being Service is an early intervention and prevention service delivered in partnership with local charity organisations and statutory services. This focuses on improving the emotional and physical well-being of residents in Barnet. This is comprised of the parts; The Barnet Well-being Hub, Community Interventions and Clinical support.
  • Young People Thrive: Who are a social movement that promotes positive mental health and well-being and aims to empower young people in London by engaging with them and their families to reduce the stigma associated with Mental Health.

Throughout the day we spoke to lots of members of the community, having lots of interesting conversation. This allowed us to signpost to services, get feedback on our services and tell people about our Community Transformation Programme.

We bumped into Alison Moore who is the cabinet member of the health and well-being board in Barnet ( pictured in the red dress).
The North Mid liaison clinical psychology team came to see us after seeing the event advertised in our Community Mental Health Transformation newsletter. Their psychology lead and 2 psychologist assistants attended the event to find out more about community work we are doing.
We hope to do more community events like this in the future.

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