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"It's great to celebrate being part of this community however that looks"

As part of our Pride Month celebrations, we speak to Clinical Associate Psychologist in the Islington Central Core Team and a member of our LGBTQ+ network, Mark Griffiths. 

Mark shares what Pride Month means to him, what his job is all about and what his ideal celebrity dinner party guest is. 

Name: Mark Griffiths 

Job title: Clinical Associate Psychologist 

Department/area/division: Islington Mental Health Core Team (specifically in the Central Team) 

How long have you worked at the Partnership? I joined in October 2022, so just over a year-and-a-half now. 

Tell us a bit about your role:
My role in the Core team is very varied. There is the clinical intervention work specific to the psychology aspect of my role, and clinical supervision, but there are a lot of other aspects too such as triaging referrals, attending multidisciplinary team meetings, for consultations, and participating in joint working. There's never a dull moment, that's for sure.  

What do you love about your job? Working with clients through my clinical work. 

What does Pride Month mean to you?
Pride Month is actually something I wasn't really aware of until I became involved in the LGBTQ+ staff network. I think it's great to have a period of time to focus my attention and reflect on personal experiences, whether consciously or unconsciously. It is great to have time to learn about the history of LGBTQ+ people, and celebrate being part of this community, however that looks.  

What is the most fun you have had at work recently?
I am very grateful for the colleagues I have at the Core Team. The workload and demands of the job can be quite high, and the team always supports each other, bringing in humour and fun. This is genuinely what keeps me going through the chaos.  

Who is your ideal celebrity dinner party guest? Adele. I'd imagine she would be a really fun person to dine with.  

If you could learn to do anything, what would it be? I have always wanted to learn to play the piano, so maybe one day!  

When you have 30 minutes of free time, how do you spend it? I wish I could say something like reading a book, but it's more likely going to be watching something on Netflix...

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