On Tuesday 20 February we launched our new Partnership Clinical Strategy, that was approved at our January 2024 Board. It describes how we will effectively meet the needs of our local residents and communities over the next five years, ensuring patient care is always at the heart of everything we do.
NHS mental health services are experiencing unprecedented challenges and demand caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, cost-of-living crisis, and a growing and ageing population. A fractured society has exacerbated loneliness and social isolation, whilst an ageing population with complex care needs, including dementia, adds to the strain. For children and young people, the pandemic and negative aspects of social media have led to deteriorating mental health. There are difficulties with staff recruitment and retention and financial constraints.
This Clinical Strategy outlines our approach for the next five years to address these challenges and how we will deliver high-quality, trauma-informed mental health services that focus on prevention and early intervention, drawing on individual and communities’ strengths, resilience and resources.
Its key aims include:
The Clinical Strategy includes 15 clinical areas, each with its own clinical strategy aimed at ensuring equitable access and quality of mental health care across North Central London. We have developed it through co-production, co-design, engagement and consultation with service users, carers, experts by experience, staff and partner organisations. Read our Clinical Strategy here.
The Clinical Strategy supporting document is a comprehensive document to underpin the strategy.
Thank you to our co-production group who guided every step of the way, the people who attended the various stakeholder meetings and gave feedback, and the services who developed and contributed their clinical strategies.