We have made exciting progress in becoming our new Trust, to be known as the North London NHS Foundation Trust. We have now completed the NHS England review process and they have confirmed support for the merger of Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust (BEH) and Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust (C&I). Last Tuesday, 10 September, our Partnership Board formally approved the plans to merge and this Tuesday, 17 September, the C&I Council of Governors confirmed their support for the decision making process that the Board undertook. We are grateful to our Governors for their support.
Our application to merge has now been submitted to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care and, subject to his final approval, we expect the new North London NHS Foundation Trust to come into being on 1 November 2024. This is really fantastic news for our service users and carers, for our staff and for all our local communities. We are convinced that coming together as a new Trust will help us in providing great care for our service users and being a great place to work for all our staff.
We held two special Thank You celebrations for our staff on Monday to thank them all for all their work across BEH and C&I over the years and we looked forward to our new Trust coming into being on 1 November. We will be celebrating the new North London NHS Foundation Trust coming into being on 1 November with service users and staff, to mark this really significant step, which builds on our developing Partnership over the last three years and will bring major benefits for local people across North London.