Wednesday 13 March is No Smoking Day, and this year it’s the 40th anniversary. No Smoking Day is a time to work together in promoting a smoke-free environment for improved mental well-being. Smoking not only affects physical health but also takes a toll on mental wellness, exacerbating symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress.
Quitting smoking is a powerful step towards reclaiming control over one’s mental health. By eliminating nicotine addiction, individuals can experience enhanced mood stability, reduced anxiety levels, and increased resilience to stressors. Moreover, quitting smoking fosters a sense of empowerment and self-care, laying the foundation for a healthier lifestyle. Together we can encourage and support those starting on their quitting journey.
Our dedicated Partnership Tobacco Dependence Service is committed to providing resources, guidance, and personalised strategies to aid in smoking cessation. Our efforts are strengthened by the support of our Camden and Islington stop smoking service, Breathe.
You can join the team at the Atrium at Highgate West on Wednesday 13 and Thursday 14 March, 10am – 1pm as they share advice, information about nicotine replacement therapy and CO monitoring for staff, service users and carers, anyone can visit the team to talk more about stopping smoking.
As a Partnership we are committed to a healthier environment for all. Smoking is strictly prohibited on all Trust sites, encompassing wards, grounds, and vehicles. This measure is in place to champion the overall well-being of individuals and is in in line with the guidance of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), advocating for 100% smoke-free hospital environments, including mental health facilities.
We want to support smokers in their cessation journey by integrating smoking cessation support into routine care. Whether individuals aspire to quit smoking permanently or temporarily during their appointment or stay, support is accessible to patients and their caregivers.
Join us in spreading awareness and advocating for mental wellness by making the commitment to quit smoking.
More information on support to quit smoking.