We are delighted to announce that our North London Forensic Collaborative (NLFC) has been shortlisted for a prestigious NHS Parliamentary Award! The Collaborative has been chosen by NHS England London Region as its finalist for the Excellence Mental Health Care Award. It’s a fantastic achievement, especially given that in 2024 over 918 nominations from 318 MPs across England had been submitted – far more than in any previous year!
These awards were launched in 2018 to celebrate the NHS’s 70th birthday and recognise the outstanding contribution of staff, volunteers and others working in the health and care sector. The Awards also provide an opportunity for health and care organisations to engage with their local MPs, tell them about the work they do, and build and strengthen their relationships.
Provider Collaboratives are partnerships that bring together two or more NHS trusts (public providers of NHS services including hospitals and mental health services) to work together at scale to benefit their populations.
North London Forensic Collaborative is the largest specialist NHS mental health provider collaborative in England and represents a partnership between specialist forensic services within five NHS Trusts
It commissions and delivers adult secure inpatient and community forensic services for the population of North London. NLFC is comprised of:
• North London Mental Health Partnership – lead provider/commissioner
• East London NHS Foundation Trust
• North East London NHS Foundation Trust
• West London NHS Trust
• Central North West London NHS Foundation Trust
Since NLFC was created in 2020 it has delivered:
1. Better value for money by reducing independent sector hospital placements outside of the Collaborative by 70%;
2. Improved quality by delivering care closer to home and investing £23m of savings into new community services;
3. Increased coproduction by empowering patients and carers to work with staff in designing services and quality improvements plus providing paid roles for people with lived experience;
4. Stronger voluntary sector partnerships by introducing grants to enable organisations to scale up and diversify.
Mark Landy, NLFC Managing Director said:
“We are very proud to have been shortlisted and the nomination reflects the commitment from all the providers and patients to work together to improve the quality of services”.
The finalists will be announced at the NHS Parliamentary Awards 2024 ceremony on Monday 14 October.
You can view the shortlist here.