Lena Samuels, Chair at the North London Mental Health Partnership, along with Dr Farah Jameel, Non-Executive Director and Ben Browne, Chief People Officer, have been shortlisted on a new leaders list that recognises 75 health and social care professionals from Black, Asian and other minority backgrounds who are making a difference in the sector but are often hidden in plain sight.
To mark the 75th Anniversary of the NHS, the Seacole Group - the national network of Black, Asian, and other Ethnic (BAE) Non-Executive Directors in the NHS and wider health system, partnered with Colourful Healthcare to launch GEMS: Hidden in Plain Sight (75@75).
Nominated by peers, the 75 GEMS will have demonstrated that they are making a difference to their organisation, patient care/community and/or the diversity and inclusion agenda.
This recognition honours individuals in healthcare who, deemed by their peers, and the judges, to be the most influential and impactful individuals in the industry in terms of leadership and impact.
The latest NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard report shows that staff from Black, Asian and minority groups make up almost a quarter of the workforce overall (24.2%). The analysis shows more than two fifths (42%) of doctors, dentists, and consultants, and almost a third (29.2%) of our nurses, midwives, and health visitors are from Black, Asian and minoritized groups. The statistics are similar in adult social care.
Dal Babu OBE, Chair at Seacole Group and Non-Executive Director at the Partnership, said:
“We want to recognise the leaders doing great work but are often unseen in the sector.”
Wendy Olayiwola BEM, Founder of the National BAME Health & Social Care Awards, said:
“Staff from diverse racial backgrounds make significant contributions to the health and care workforce.”
She added that many recent reports remark the importance of leaders and role models from minority communities in raising the aspirations and ambitions for workers who continue being under-represented in the most senior roles in the sector.
You can read Lena, Farah and Ben’s biographies and find more about the work they do here.
Deputy Lead Governor and Islington Public Governor Olga Cecilia Farach, and Deputy Lead Governor and Camden Public Governor and Chair of the Governors People and Culture Working Group Nicholas Russell, would like to congratulate the three winners at the North London Mental Health Partnership for this great achievement.
Author: Olga Cecilia Farach / Deputy Lead Governor and Islington Public Governor.