Please mark your calendar for an exciting and inspiring event launching an art exhibit over the summer shining a positive light on veterans’ mental health.
Read The Seeds of Hope: A New Dawn…As many of you know, we are on track to bring together Barnet, Enfield and Haringey NHS Trust and Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust to formally create a new trust by October 2024.
Read Pioneering Patient Care: Insights from Our Patient Benefits Case Journey with Governors and Non-Executive Directors…Working with our stakeholders to develop this year's quality priorities.
Read Quality Priorities engagement events…Are you a Nurse or Occupational Therapist looking for your next job? Our Barnet division is holding a recruitment day on Thursday 9 May!
Read Barnet Division recruitment day…Arsenal Academy Manager, Per Mertesacker, joined staff and service users in Islington to celebrate the opening of North London Mental Health Partnership’s (NLMHP) new, state-of-the-art integrated community mental health centre on Thursday (18 April).
Read Brand new NHS mental health centre opened by Arsenal’s Per Mertesacker…Young people from North London including Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey and Islington, who are recovering from poor mental health were given the chance to design, create and sell a range of T-shirts as part of Hope FX, a project that sets them on course for a career in the fashion industry.
Read Hope FX launches supporting young people from North London…One of our service users from our London Op COURAGE: Veterans Mental Health and Wellbeing Service was interviewed by ITV News as part of our latest Op COURAGE campaign.
Read ITV News speaks to one of our service users…