We are encouraging veterans along with their families and carers to consider sharing and displaying their creative artwork for our new art exhibition 'The Seeds of Hope: A new dawn' which is being developed by our OpCourage service in collaboration with The Arts Project.
Read Calling all veterans to get involved in new art exhibition…Smoking not only affects physical health but also takes a toll on mental wellness, exacerbating symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress.
Read No Smoking Day and our Tobacco Dependence Service…The New Highgate East Hospital will provide modern mental health care and wellbeing for all our members and our communities.
Read Governors and Non-Executive Directors visit Highgate East…We successfully recruited 11 delegates to take part on Step Into Work, a 12-week programme aimed at providing them with skills and real work experience to pursue a career in the NHS.
Read Step Into Work launches at the Partnership…Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and is a time for fasting, reflection, prayer and community for Muslims across the world. We have lots more information on this special time and how you can support yourself or the people around you in this article.
Read Ramadan: What you need to know…On Friday 1 March we marked the handover of Highgate East, a brand-new NHS mental health inpatient building on the Camden, Haringey and Islington border. This is a fantastic achievement for our Partnership and will help achieve our vision for ‘Better Mental Health. Better Communities. Better Lives.’
Read New state-of-the art mental health hospital ready for service users…Award-winning campaign, ‘Someone like me’, is rolling out across the Partnership to recruit new staff to the prison mental health team.
Read Campaign launches to promote careers in prison mental health team…