What is our catchment area?
The service is a national provider of specialist inpatient acute adolescent treatment.
CAMHS Tier 4
Our Tier 4 Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) General Adolescent Service delivers tertiary level care and treatment to young people with severe and/or complex mental disorders.
We provide services for young people between 12 and 18 with a range of mental disorders (including depression, psychoses, eating disorders, severe anxiety disorders, emerging personality disorder) that are associated with significant impairment and /or significant risk to themselves or others. We support those young people whose needs cannot be safely and adequately met by community Tier 3 CAMHS. This includes young people with a mild learning disability and Autism Spectrum Disorders who do not require Tier 4 CAMHS Learning Disability Services.
What services do we offer?
Inpatient Treatment: We have a 15-bedded inpatient unit at Edgware Community Hospital which provides services for male and female patients who meet the following criteria.
Young people aged between 12 and 18 years who are developmentally post pubertal and who are experiencing a mental health illness as their primary diagnosis.
Eating Disorders – (as a step down facility for patients with Anorexia Nervosa where the patient is medically stable but still has residual mental health risk issues).
Mild learning disability (IQ above 50) where an acute mental health need is present.
Co Morbid Substance Misuse/Mental Health Presentations where specialist physical health care is not required.
We do not offer the following services:
Forensic – Young people with extreme forensic presentation where they have posed a serious risk or harmed others through arson, rape, serious assault or other serious offence and where an inpatient forensic assessment is required/ordered by Court. (pre-sentence)
Requirement for long term secure facilitates by court order or injunction (post sentence)
Young people with patterns of aggressive or violent behaviour including fire setting sexualised behaviours, actual or threatened attempts to inflict harm on others with a bladed weapon, etc.
Severe Learning disabilities with an IQ of 49 and below.
Young people who are medically unstable who need the appropriate support from services including Intensive Care Unit (acute organic presentations and anorexia nervosa)
Severe physical disability – Young people who require considerable adaptive equipment, which may include overhead lifts, adjustable beds, oxygen canisters, and 24-hour nursing.
Who can refer?
Referrals are accepted Nationwide from Tier 3 and tier 3.5 adolescent CAMHS services in the community. All referrals should be supported by a CAMHS Consultant Psychiatrist and we do not accept referrals from primary mental health or GPs.
How to refer
We have a standardised referral for detailing the information required. Please this form is fully completed to allow us to assess and triage referrals appropriately. A referral for admission will only be considered only once a fully completed NHS England Referral for Access Assessment (Form 1) has been received by the duty clinician at the Beacon Centre. Forms can be completed either digitally or handwritten. Please feel free to attach any further information you feel may be relevant to the referral.
All referrals should be supported by a CAMHS Consultant Psychiatrist or CAMHS Specialist Registrar. They need not necessarily have seen the patient themselves, as long as they are satisfied that the patient has been assessed adequately by a senior CAMHS or Adult Mental Health professional.
The receiving clinician will provide the referrer with a clear time frame in which the decision will be made. Any gaps in the in the referral or points addressed before an admission is agreed.
Referrals received during 9am-5pm working hours will be dealt with by the duty senior clinician allocated to deal with referrals for that day. All decisions to accept or decline a referral for admission will be taken after first discussing the case with a unit consultant or with a senior unit clinician.
Referrals received outside 9am-5pm working hours will be dealt with by the shift leader or the most senior nurse on the unit at that time. Any decision to accept or decline a referral will be taken following discussion with a senior colleague on the unit or with the appropriate on call clinician
Forms can be returned via the following ways:
Fax: 020 8732 6401
Post: The Beacon Centre, Edgware Community Hospital, Burnt Oak Broadway, Edgware, London, Middlesex, HA8 0AD
Please feel free to contact our unit on 020 8702 4475 during working hours (Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm) if you have any queries relating to the referral process. Emergency out of hours referrals can be made via the same number (020 8702 4475).