Camden Borough User Group (CBUG)

Camden Borough User Group (CBUG) is open to anyone living in Camden who has used or is using mental health services in the community or in hospital.

CBUG supports service user involvement in mental health services in the London borough of Camden. We use the lived experience of CBUG members to help ensure mental health services better meet service users’ needs. Our aim is to increase the involvement of service users in the development, monitoring and evaluation of mental health services in Camden, fostering solidarity and strength. We work to co-ordinate and organise the voice of service users in Camden.

CBUG is coordinated by the Advocacy Project and welcomes new members.

We have a range of interesting speakers who come to share information at CBUG meetings.

The meetings take place on the third Tuesday of the month from 10.30am-12.30pm and are usually in the conference centre at St Pancras Hospital. If you are interested please email so we can send you the details for the exact meeting location.

Please contact for more information and for confirmation of the room as this can be subject to change.

Contact us


Phone:  07903 528733

For information about past events you can visit the CBUG website.

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