Our Board members
Our Non-Executive Directors are not employees and are not involved in the day-to-day running of the Partnership. Non-Executive Directors hold other senior positions outside of the Partnership and bring knowledge, experience and expertise from other fields, such as accounting, management, human resources, equality, diversity and inclusion, governance, quality and improvement service. Collectively with Executive Directors, their role is to contribute to the strategic direction, leadership and management of the Partnership, to provide challenge to the executive directors and to bring an independent perspective to the Partnership Board.
Our Executive Directors are full-time employees and are the most senior managers responsible for the Partnership’s day-to-day running. They decide future strategy and direction, are accountable to independent regulators, and are responsible for ensuring clinical and corporate effectiveness. Each Executive Director has their own area of responsibility.
Contact us
For further information please contact: beh-tr.trustsecretary@nhs.net