Earlier estates engagement

Our engagement work began in 2017 when we looked at the options for redeveloping our estate.

Between 6 July and 12 October 2018, Camden and Islington Clinical Commissioning Groups led a formal public consultation on the preferred option of building a new inpatient hospital at Highgate and investing in new integrated community mental health centres. Independent analysis of the public consultation found strong support for the proposals and the Trust was given the go-ahead to progress its plans in December 2018.

Since then we have been working with our staff, service users, carers and local partners to plan and co-design all of our new facilities. 

Consultation and Engagement

St Pancras Hospital redevelopment

We are working together with King’s Cross Central Limited Partnership to bring forward a vision to redevelop the St Pancras Hospital site to provide exceptional clinical care in modern, accessible, and sustainable mental health facilities in the local area and deliver a place which is accessible and welcoming to all.

Our ambition is to promote the physical and mental wellbeing of those living, working, and visiting the area, through open space, workspace, and homes alongside new modern clinical buildings.  To find out more visit the St Pancras Hospital consultation site by clicking this link.

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