Our Partnership Board
The Boards of Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust and Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust meet in common as a Partnership Board, reflecting the coming together of both Trusts in the formation of the North London Mental Health Partnership.
Our Partnership Board provides overall leadership and vision and is collectively accountable for all aspects of performance and management of the Partnership’s activities, including clinical and service quality, financial performance and governance.
Our Partnership Board is made up of a Chair, Senior Independent Director, Non-Executive Directors and Executive Directors, including the Chief Executive.
Our Executive Directors are the most senior managers in the Trust and they are responsible for working with the Non-Executive Directors to translate the Trust's strategic vision into day-to-day operational practices.
The Partnership’s business is conducted through bi-monthly Partnership Board meetings. The meetings are held in public for the most part, but they are not public meetings.
As an NHS Foundation Trust, C&I also has an elected Council of Governors (public, staff, service user, and stakeholder) which holds the C&I Board to account.
Here is the Partnership governance structure including sub-committees, the majority of which meet as joint committees across both Boards.
The key constitutional documents of each trust are currently being updated to reflect our current Partnership arrangements and future intention to merge the trusts.
Contact us
For further information or to request constitutional documents please contact: beh-tr.trustsecretary@nhs.net