Publications scheme for BEH
The information we publish falls into one of the following seven classes/categories:
Where there is no specific link included below, information is available on request via the FOI office.
1) Who we are and what we do
- How we fit into the NHS structure
- Overview of the Trust
- Organisational chart
- Board members
- Partner organisations
- Location of public facing departments:
2) What we spend and how we spend it
- Expenditure over £25k
- Financial performance reports
- Financial audit reports
- Annual accounts
- Capital Programme
- Standing Financial Instructions
- Staff pay and grading
- Details of pay for senior staff are included in the annual report
- Staff and Board members allowances and expenses (see Expenses Policy)
- Procurement and tendering procedures
- Contracts currently being tendered and those awarded
3) What our priorities are and how we are doing
- Business planning
- Performance against targets
- Objectives
- Quality accounts
- Annual reports
- Trust Strategy
- Service user surveys
- Privacy impact assessments
Reports by regulatory organisations – available from relevant bodies websites:
- Department of Health and Social Care
- Care Quality Commission
- Health Service Ombudsman
- General Medical Council
- Health and Safety Executive
- Counter Fraud
- NHS Resolution
4) How we make decisions
- Board papers
- Board members
- Board committees
- Internal guidance and criteria used for decision making i.e. process systems and key personnel (Standing Orders and Reservations of Power to the Board and Delegation of Power)
- Public consultations
5) Our policies and procedures
- Policies relating to the conduct of business
- Health and safety
- Human resources including recruitment
- Equality policies
- Standing financial procedures
- Standing orders
- Complaints and other customer services policies
- Data protection/records management
- Estates management
- Charging regimes
6) Lists and registers
- Contractors and suppliers
- Asset and Information Asset Registers
- Register of interests – for Board members through Trust Board papers
- Register of gifts and hospitality
- FOI Disclosure log
7) The services we offer
- Clinical services
- Non-clinical services
- Patient experience, advice and guidance
- Corporate communications and media releases
FOI Annual Reports